Exportation of Frozen Peas at Lowest Price

Frozen peas price is between 2.22 dollars per green peas 500g.

Numerous and unique medicinal properties of bag of frozen peas or peas:

Pear or green peas are considered a source of nutrition. They contain the essential amino acids cysteine and lysine. Green peas or peas contain many essential nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin E, starches, fats, and proteins. They also help treat many diseases. These chickpeas are low- fat, sweet- tasting and very important for the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Nutrients of peas:

Green peas are an excellent source of vitamins, such as vitamin K, manganese , dietary fiber, vitamin B, copper, phosphorus and folic acid, and if you read in this section on moist health, they are also an excellent source of vitamin B6, niacin, vitamin B21 , molybdenum, Zinc, protein, magnesium, iron, potassium and chloin.

Peas and protein:

The protein profit of chickpeas depends on the manufacturer. 33 grams of pure peas, which is about 4 and a half tablespoons, contains 120 calories, 2 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbohydrates and 24 grams of protein. It’s protien is also a source of vitamins and minerals including iron and calsium.

Exportation of Frozen Peas at Lowest Price

What Documents are Required To Export Frozen Peas

What Documents are Required To Export Frozen Peas Necessary documents and conditions for exporting goods:

  1. Receiving a business card from the chambers of commerce in the name of the issuer.
  2. Obtaining export license ( for cases where the general approval for the export of goods has not been announced by the ministry of commerce.)
  3. Receiving health certificate and quarantine for goods (livestock, vegetable- as the case may be)
  4. Receiving a standard certificate for the mentioned goods ( for cases where the goods are subject to the mandatory regulations of the export standard.)
  5. Obtaining a nuclear energy certificate ( as the case ma be) , which are also called conventional certificates.
  6. Preparing the packing list ( if the product is different).

Unlimited Exportation of Bag of Frozen Peas to the Middle East Countries

Unlimited Exportation of Bag of Frozen Peas to the Middle East Countries Peas to prevent stomach cancer:

Peas contain high amounts of a health- prtecting polyphenol called commesterol. A study in mexico city found that you only need 2 milligrams a day of this phytonutrient to prevent stomach cancer. One cup of peas is at least 10 pieces.

As well all know, chickpeas are rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants that keep our bodies healthy and reduce the risk of cancer. Peas contain a health- promoting polyphenol polymerol that reduces the risk of stomach cancer. Vitamin A and vitamin C in chickpeas prevent the spread of prostate, ovarian and pancreatic cancers.

This is because middle eastern countries use green peas a lot and they buy the frozen peas more than not frozen peas, cause using frozen peas is easier.

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